Modeling RESTrict Resources#

The RESTrict Framework is a hybrid functional and declarative programming environment. This page discusses the trade-offs of a functional-declarative resource-oriented (FDRO) development environment. Once those are addressed, this page dives into the modeling methodology that the RESTrict Framework uses to allow you to build robust Web applications.

Perceived trade-offs#

This is a list of how traditional Web programming compares with FDRO.

Procedural programming vs modeling resources

Unless you have had the pleasure of only programming Haskell your entire career, you’ve had to think procedurally. Object-oriented programming is procedural programming organized differently. Modeling resources is about changing the state of an application through the creation of new data, not about writing for loops and setting object fields.

Unrestricted design vs domain-neutral components

Experience shows that programmers tend to like to have options about how to implement things. They like to start with a blank whiteboard and draw systems and software designs, growing them into existence. Domain-neutral component design takes a different approach. Instead, you begin with a structure and remove the parts you don’t need. The form helps programmers decide the function.

Monoliths vs reactive systems

Web applications need to be responsive to the people using them. This means that the application should respond to input in a timely manner all the time. Monoliths, while easier to maintain, do not provide that type of assurance. The microservice revolution helped with popularizing reactive system. The RESTrict Framework makes this easy because all application state mutations occur in asynchronous processes and provides a holistic view of how the application works.


The modeling method used by the RESTrict Framework is based on the design method called Object Modeling in Color created by Peter Coad, Eric Lefebvre, and Jeff De Luca as part of the Feature-Driven Design agile methodology. Though the method was originally devised for object-oriented programming, it is a natural and easy fit for resource-oriented design.

There are eight archetypes of resources categorized into four colors. (The colors inspired the name “object modeling in color”.) This section introduces the concept of the four categories and the eight archetypes.

To introduce them, we’ll use the example of the blog resources on the main page.

Pink resources: moments, intervals, and details#

Something that one needs to work with and track for business or legal reasons, something that occurs at a moment in time or over an interval of time.

—Peter Coad, Java Modeling in Color with UML

When you write a Web application, there are data that define the actual reason for the application to exist. In time tracking software, important resources would include the interval that you spend time working on a project and the invoice that defines an interval of time that you spent time working on stuff for a client.

Stephen R. Palmer offers some valuable advice on how to identify moments and intervals in your application’s resource domain.

When looking for Moment-Interval classes for a particular piece of software, we need to consider things like significant events and activities, business transactions, steps in a process, or interactions within a business relationship that are within the scope [of] our software system, application, or component.

In the blog application, we’ll start with the two most easily identifiable resources, the Post and the Comment. These define the workflow of the application.

  1. A person makes a Post which is a moment in time, the time it is published

  2. Other people each make a Comment related to the Post (or they don’t) which is a moment in time, the time the comment is submitted

The Post must come before a Comment. Hence, a workflow.

digraph G {
    node [fontname="Courier" shape=rect];
    edge [fontname="Courier"];
    Post [fillcolor=pink style=filled];
    Comment [fillcolor=pink style=filled];
    Post -> Comment [headlabel="*" taillabel="1"]

Fig. 3 The Post and Comment resources in relation to one another#

Yellow resources: roles#

A role is a way of participation by a part (person or organization), place, or thing. We like this… since many times a person or an organization is eligible to play the same role (for example, owner) within a problem domain.

—Peter Coad, Java Modeling in Color with UML

Any software application that maintains security uses the word “role” to define a set of permissions needed to perform an action. This is a specific way of modeling that particular abstraction.

The interesting thing about roles in this modeling methodology is that they can apply to persons, places, and things (which we’ll get to next).

In a blogging application, we can make the decision that any person can make a Comment on a Post. There’s no particular role that needs to be associated with someone that makes a Comment.

To make a Post, a person should have some kind of role. In our application, let’s call that role the Writer role.

digraph G {
    node [fontname="Courier" shape=rect style=filled];
    edge [fontname="Courier"];
    Writer [fillcolor=yellow];
    Post [fillcolor=pink];
    Comment [fillcolor=pink];
    Post -> Comment [headlabel="*" taillabel="1"]
    Writer -> Post [headlabel="1" taillabel="1"];
    {rank=same; Post; Writer;}

Fig. 4 The Writer role must exist to create a Comment#

Now, we should have some questions about Writer.

  • How does the Writer role get assigned?

  • Is it important for our application to track the assignment for business or legal reasons?

  • Can it be revoked?

Let’s say the answers are “by an admin,” “yes,” and “yes.” We’ll defer the “by the admin” part to later in this exercise. The answer “yes” to the second question means that the assignment of the Writer role needs to be a moment or an interval. The answer “yes” to the third question helps us identify that it is an interval since it can be revoked. Therefore, we can introduce a new interval into the design.

digraph G {
    node [fontname="Courier" shape=rect style=filled];
    edge [fontname="Courier"];
    WriterAssignment [fillcolor=pink];
    Writer [fillcolor=yellow];
    Post [fillcolor=pink];
    Comment [fillcolor=pink];
    WriterAssignment -> Writer [headlabel="1" taillabel="1"];
    Post -> Comment [headlabel="*" taillabel="1"];
    Writer -> Post [headlabel="1" taillabel="1"];
    {rank=same; Post; Writer;}

Fig. 5 A WriterAssignment creates a Writer role#

Green resources: parties, places, and things#

A party (meaning a person or an organization), place, or thing is someone or something who plays different roles. A person might be both an employee and a customer. A place might be both a retail outlet and a wholesale outlet. A thing might play one role in a manufacturing process and a different role in a purchasing process.

—Peter Coad, Java Modeling in Color with UML

Green resources, parties, places, and things, are often the easiest thing for object-oriented programmers to identify. They’ve been trained to “find nouns” in their problem domain and turn them into classes.

Quite often, green resources are some kind of “reference resources”, resources that exist across the entire problem domain. Usually, the same people are actors across the entire system, creating and accessing data, interacting with the system.

When we diagram green resources, we will often duplicate them to show how they interact with moments, intervals, and details. That does not mean that they are the same occurrence of the resource. Instead, they’re added for clarity. If you need to specify that two resources are the same occurrence, you can use the same method as the UML does: give the resource a label of its occurrence.

In our domain, we have people writing Posts and Comments. So, let’s add a Person resource to the diagram.

digraph G {
    node [fontname="Courier" shape=rect style=filled];
    edge [fontname="Courier"];
    Person1 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="a:Person"];
    Person2 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="Person"];
    Person3 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="a:Person"]
    WriterAssignment [fillcolor=pink]
    Writer [fillcolor=yellow];
    Post [fillcolor=pink];
    Comment [fillcolor=pink];
    WriterAssignment -> Writer [headlabel="1" taillabel="1"];
    Post -> Comment [headlabel="*" taillabel="1"]
    Writer -> Post [headlabel="1" taillabel="1"];
    Person1 -> WriterAssignment [headlabel="1" taillabel="1"];
    Person2 -> Comment [headlabel="?" taillabel="1"];
    Person3 -> Writer [headlabel="1" taillabel="1" style=dashed]
    {rank=same; Post; Writer; Person3;}
    {rank=same; Person1; WriterAssignment;}
    {rank=same; Person2; Comment;}

Fig. 6 Add the Person resource and its relationships#

You can see two Person boxes with the a: label. Those refer to the same occurrence. If Noor is the Person participating in the WriterAssignment, then Noor is the Person associated to the Writer that comes from the WriterAssignment.

The dashed line indicates that the Person with the Writer role is calculated from a previous relationship. In this case, it’s the Writer WriterAssignment Person calculation.

Blue resources: descriptions#

[Description is] a catalog-entry-like description. It is a collection of values that apply again and again. It also provides behavior across the collection of all things that correspond to its description.

—Peter Coad, Java Modeling in Color with UML

The RESTrict Framework uses descriptions as a way to provide behavior that is inherent to the framework outside of the scope of resource domain.

One example of this is for authentication. Authentication is an orthogonal concern to what a Web application does. It adds access to the data and actions available to an actor in the system; it rarely provides application-specific behavior.

The RESTrict Framework provides a PasswordAccountDescription resource that provides password credentials.

digraph G {
    node [fontname="Courier" shape=rect style=filled];
    edge [fontname="Courier"];
    PasswordAccountDescription1 [fillcolor=deepskyblue label="PasswordAccountDescription"]
    PasswordAccountDescription2 [fillcolor=deepskyblue label="PasswordAccountDescription"]
    Person1 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="Person"];
    Person2 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="Person"];
    Person3 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="Person"];
    WriterAssignment [fillcolor=pink]
    Writer [fillcolor=yellow];
    Post [fillcolor=pink];
    Comment [fillcolor=pink];
    WriterAssignment -> Writer [headlabel="1" taillabel="1"];
    PasswordAccountDescription1 -> Person1 [headlabel="*" taillabel="1"];
    PasswordAccountDescription2 -> Person2 [headlabel="*" taillabel="1"];
    Post -> Comment [headlabel="*" taillabel="1"]
    Person3 -> Writer [headlabel="1" taillabel="1" style=dashed];
    Writer -> Post [headlabel="1" taillabel="1"];
    Person1 -> WriterAssignment [headlabel="1" taillabel="1"];
    Person2 -> Comment [headlabel="?" taillabel="1"];
    {rank=same; Post; Writer; Person3;}
    {rank=same; Person1; WriterAssignment; PasswordAccountDescription1}
    {rank=same; Person2; Comment; PasswordAccountDescription2}

Fig. 7 Add password account behavior for the Person#

The domain-neutral component#

How do you make a statue of an elephant? Get the biggest granite block you can find and chip away everything that doesn’t look like an elephant.

—Boy’s Life, December 1963

To follow this modeling method, we recommend the following steps.

  1. Identify the moments and intervals in the resource domain

  2. For each moment and interval, apply the domain-neutral component

The domain neutral component provides a structure that you identify the pieces that you need, then remove the stuff you don’t. That’s often much nicer than using the “blank page” method.

For example, let’s look at the Post moment. Once we figured out that the Post moment exists, we could plop it into the middle of the domain-neutral component template.

digraph G {
    node [fontname="Courier" shape=rect style=filled];
    edge [fontname="Courier"];

    Desc1 [fillcolor=deepskyblue label="Description"];
    Desc2 [fillcolor=deepskyblue label="Description"];
    Desc3 [fillcolor=deepskyblue label="Description"];
    PPT1 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="P/P/T"];
    PPT2 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="P/P/T"];
    PPT3 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="P/P/T"];
    Role1 [fillcolor=yellow label="Role"];
    Role2 [fillcolor=yellow label="Role"];
    Role3 [fillcolor=yellow label="Role"];

    Next [fillcolor=pink];
    Previous [fillcolor=pink ];
    Post [fillcolor=pink];
    Detail [fillcolor=pink];

    Desc1 -> PPT1 -> Role1;
    Desc2 -> PPT2 -> Role2;
    Role1 -> Post;
    Post -> Role2 [dir=back];
    Post -> Detail [dir=back];
    Detail -> Role3 [dir=back];
    Role3 -> PPT3 [dir=back];
    PPT3 -> Desc3 [dir=back];

    Previous -> Post -> Next [style=dashed];

    edge [style="invis"];
    Role2 -> Next;

    {rank=same; Post; Detail; Role3; PPT3; Desc3; }
    {rank=same; PPT1; Role1; Desc1; }
    {rank=same; PPT2; Role2; Desc2; Next; }

Fig. 8 Domain-neutral component with the Post moment#

Now that we have the Post in the middle, we can identify the following participants in the moment.

  • It has no Previous moment or interval

  • The Next moment or interval is the Comment

  • It has one participant, the Writer role

  • It has no moment or interval details that make up the Post

digraph G {
    node [fontname="Courier" shape=rect style=filled];
    edge [fontname="Courier"];

    Desc1 [fillcolor=deepskyblue label="PasswordAccountDescription"];
    Desc2 [style="dotted" label="Description"];
    Desc3 [style="dotted" label="Description"];
    PPT1 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="Person"];
    PPT2 [style="dotted" label="P/P/T"];
    PPT3 [style="dotted" label="P/P/T"];
    Role1 [fillcolor=yellow label="Writer"];
    Role2 [style="dotted" label="Role"];
    Role3 [style="dotted" label="Role"];

    Next [fillcolor=pink label="Comment"];
    Previous [style="dotted"];
    Post [fillcolor=pink];
    Detail [style="dotted"];

    Desc1 -> PPT1 -> Role1;
    Desc2 -> PPT2 -> Role2 [style=dotted];
    Role1 -> Post;
    Post -> Role2 [dir=back style=dotted];
    Post -> Detail [dir=back style=dotted];
    Detail -> Role3 [dir=back style=dotted];
    Role3 -> PPT3 [dir=back style=dotted];
    PPT3 -> Desc3 [dir=back style=dotted];

    Previous -> Post [style=dotted];
    Post -> Next [style=dashed xlabel="next"];

    edge [style="invis"];
    Role2 -> Next;

    {rank=same; Post; Detail; Role3; PPT3; Desc3; }
    {rank=same; PPT1; Role1; Desc1; }
    {rank=same; PPT2; Role2; Desc2; Next; }

Fig. 9 Fill in known items#

Finally, erase the stuff you don’t need.

digraph G {
    node [fontname="Courier" shape=rect style=filled];
    edge [fontname="Courier"];

    Desc1 [fillcolor=deepskyblue label="PasswordAccountDescription"];
    PPT1 [fillcolor=lightgreen label="Person"];
    Role1 [fillcolor=yellow label="Writer"];

    Next [fillcolor=pink label="Comment"];
    Post [fillcolor=pink];

    Desc1 -> PPT1 -> Role1;
    Role1 -> Post;

    Post -> Next [style="dashed" xlabel="next"];

    {rank=same; PPT1; Role1; Desc1; Post; }
    {rank=same; Next; }

Fig. 10 Final DNC for Post#